Summary Cv

Current Appointments

Professor of Epilepsy and Medical Education, City St Georges, University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE (Senior Lecturer 2003-2011, Reader 2011-2016; Professor 2016 -).

Consultant neurologist, Epilepsy Group, Atkinson Morley Regional Neuroscience Centre, St George’s NHS Trust, London (2003 -)

Clinical Advisor, Epilepsy Action UK (2007 -)

ILAE Education – Epilepsy Certification Task force (2017 -)

Epilepsy Research UK Scientific Advisory Committee (2018  -)

Past Appointments

NHSE specialist commissioning working party (Epilepsy pathway)

UK NIHR Clinical Research Network, London South Epilepsy Lead (2015-19)

Chair, Education Committee & Board Member, European Academy of Neurology (2014-18)

International League against Epilepsy, Status Epilepticus Classification Task Force (2010-2015)

Clinical Lead, ebrain project (2010-19)

Transport for London Occupational health, Neurology advisor (2002-2014)

Senior Lecturer, Institute of Neurology, University College London & Honorary Consultant Neurologist, Epilepsy Group, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, London (2001-2003)

Expert Advisor, NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries (Epilepsy) (2009-2012)

Clinical Research & Academic Committee, Association of British Neurologists (2001-2007)

BSc (Honours) Physiology,Class I (University College London) 1986
MBBS (University College London) 1989
MRCP (London) 1992
MD (London 1996
Professional Certificate of Teaching& Learning in Higher Education
(Institute of Education, London)
Completed Certificate SpecialistTraining, Neurology 2001
Member Higher Education Academy 2001
FRCP (London) 2006

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